Your Questions Answered: Should I Buy Shares In The Company I Work For?
We have a client, Sandra, whose employer was in the process of being purchased by another company. As a function of her position, she was offered the opportunity to buy shares in the new company. She wanted to know if it was a good idea. Some personal finance experts...
Your Questions Answered: Should I Pay Down My Mortgage?
Last month we completed a Second Opinion consultation for Gloria. Gloria had accumulated extra money in her checking account and had extra money available each month to put toward additional savings. She asked if she should pay down her mortgage with those funds or...
Your Questions Answered: Should I Accept a Job Offer With a Lower Salary But a Higher Pension?
Last month Matt and Rachel asked for a meeting. Matt was offered a job, and he was weighing whether to accept it or not. The new job would have a little less flexibility and lower pay but came with a higher pension. Some probing revealed that the most attractive thing...
Advice For Life
Leverage Your Schedule to Improve Your Life
When you’re working, raising kids, and struggling to find time to take a run or read a book, it’s common to feel like your days keep getting away from you.
Planning for Entrepreneurship at Any Age
The Work from Home revolution and pandemic business disruption have motivated many aspiring entrepreneurs to take their shot in 2021.
Will Updated I.R.S Tables Create an Opportunity for Retirees?
If you are retired and have reached your seventies, you may have the opportunity to draw a little less income from your retirement savings accounts in 2022.
SMI Transition Planning
Ways to Fund Special Needs Trusts
There are many crucial goods and services that Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income will not pay for…
Why Many Physicians Still Won’t Partner with Family Caregivers
In my 23 years as a psychologist faculty member of a family medicine residency program…
Improving Science of Mental Health Care
In the United States, there is no licensing or regulation of education modules or talk therapies. Anyone can claim she has one that works…
Every month, Paul shares his thoughts, stories, and wisdom.