Looking At the Big Picture
Market volatility can make anyone nervous, especially in our always-on, 24/7 news cycle. When some of our more experienced team members were first starting out in finance, average investors typically checked in on their accounts once or twice a quarter when their...
Select Your Questions Answered: Should I Do Take Out a Home Equity Loan or a HELOC?
Kyle and Jenn purchased a historic home in the northeast. Owning a historic home can be a bit like the opening line of “A Tale of Two Cities”. If you don’t get the reference, you can hit Google after we are done. But Kyle and Jenn realized after living there a couple...
Your Questions Answered: How Are Your Clients Handling This Market?
Several weeks ago, the US stock market experienced some turbulence. In fact, in the span of just a few days, the Dow Jones Industrial Average saw a decline of 2,000 points give or take, or about 5%. I was at a party somewhere about that time, and someone who knows...
Advice For Life
Become A Superager for Better Life
Northwestern University’s SuperAging Study defines a “SuperAger” as a person in their eighties whose cognitive..
Outsource to Improve Your Life
Was this finally the year that you took our advice, put down your pad and pencil, and let a CPA handle your taxes?
Three Steps to Balancing Today with Tomorrow
The challenges of the last couple years have filled many people with uncertainty about the present and concern for the future.
SMI Transition Planning
Funding the Continuation of Care – The Impact on Traditional Retirement Planning 3
The expenses associated with the continuation of care for your loved will not simply go away at your passing.
Selecting Your Child’s Advocate(s)
Whatever plan you have in place for your child once you are gone will only work as well as the individual(s) you choose to implement it.
12 Funding the Continuation of Care – The Impact on Traditional Retirement Planning 2
The expenses associated with the continuation of care for your loved will not simply go away at your passing.
Every month, Paul shares his thoughts, stories, and wisdom.