Become A Superager for Better Life

Northwestern University’s SuperAging Study defines a “SuperAger” as a person in their eighties whose cognitive function is comparable to an average middle-aged person. These are the “sharp” seniors who keep learning, keep growing, and...

Planning a Holiday Trip with Extended Family

Anyone who’s suffered through a big, uncomfortable family gathering knows that a bigger group doesn’t always mean more fun. But with some proper planning, an extended family vacation could be a once-in-a-generation chance for your clan to connect with...

When Couples Retire at Different Times

Married couples don’t always plot retirement on the same $Lifeline point. According to a recent study by Fidelity, 43% of couples disagree about what age they plan on retiring. For other folks, circumstances like an unexpected job loss or health issue push spouses...

Aligning Your Personal Values with Your Financial Plan

Personal values play an important role in many aspects of our lives and have become more prominent recently in how we think about and manage our finances. More and more investors are asking how they can support the causes they care about through their financial...

Purpose in the Everday

What is your money for? That’s maybe the most important question that our planning process helps people to answer. If the purpose of life was just to make more money, then no one would ever stop working. The best uses of our time and our money lead us to more...