Giving – Doing Good Without Disrupting Your Financial Plan

Many studies have shown that charitable giving provides greater happiness than buying more stuff. Eventually, you get used to your fancy new car, and the enjoyment it provides goes down. But giving forges feelings of connectedness and community that don’t fade away....

Enjoying the Holidays During a Pandemic

At the time of year when we want to be closest to our loved ones, Covid-19 is still making it difficult to spend time together. Public health officials warn that indoor events pose a far greater risk of spreading the disease. And many of the people we’re most...

Resource Planning – The Financial Analysis Part 3

Resource planning for your child after you are gone is a straightforward process. Essentially you need to plan for expenses over and above their government benefits, and depending on the stability of their employment, their personal income. We discussed the first and...

How Medigap Choices Have Changed

What you need to know about Plan F and Plan G. As many may recall, seniors who previously enrolled in Medicare are facing some changes. Medigap Plan F might not be sold after 2020 and Medigap Plan G will be undergoing some changes.1 These changes only impact new...

Resource Planning – The Financial Analysis Part 2

Resource planning for your child after you are gone is a straightforward process. Essentially you need to plan for expenses over and above their government benefits, and depending on the stability of their employment, their personal income. We discussed the first step...