How are your goals for the New Year progressing? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably passed a few exciting checkpoints while also tripping over a few pebbles. Some goals might be easier to spot on the horizon now that you’ve been putting your plan into action....
Your legacy isn’t just about your assets. Of course, as part of our Life-Centered Planning process, we will help you coordinate with attorneys and tax experts to create an estate plan that will provide for your heirs in accordance with your last wishes. But hopefully,...
Why, day in and day out, do you do the things that you do? Because you have to? Because you want to? Because you’ve had the same routine for years and you’re used to it? If you feel like your life is something that just happens to you, it’s time to reassess how you’re...
Many people have a complicated relationship with money. Hang-ups carried over from childhood experiences get mixed together with positive and negative experiences from adulthood. Few people ever take the time to reflect on what money really means to them and how they...
No matter how thorough our planning is, life inevitably tosses curveballs at us. Often these challenging moments are linked to major life transitions that affect our families, our careers, and our money. Balancing these variables can make arriving at the best decision...